5 Types of Videos Native to YouTube

 5 Types of Videos Native to YouTube

Over and over again, I see brands making mistakes with the type of content that they create for YouTube. Instead of observing the content native to YouTube that tends to do well with the audience, they continue to approach the platform like it's TV - but with a shorter attention span.
This week's video is about helping those brands get a glimpse into 5 types of videos that are native to YouTube that they should be making instead of glorified ads and mini-series. There are, of course, lots more than 5 types, but 5 is a good start.
Truly Social is a web series that you can share with your boss or client when they're not really "getting" social. It's also the name of my company - where I work with clients on helping them develop their own web series.
I've been working on this social stuff for over 18 years and I've been a participant in the social web since 1992. My videos will come out every SUNDAY...with ~5 minute "lessons" on what are truly social practices (and what are NOT). 

by : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-types-videos-native-youtube-tara-hunt?trk=v-feed&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_feed%3BpBbX7WBM0I3z%2B8Yh9CmaOA%3D%3D
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